The Life She Wanders

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Because not only is making up words fun to do, so is making your organization function as decor. I present to you, Decorganization: the point where organization and decor effortlessly combine.

The closet area in my bathroom has tons of space but does not have a door to hide everything. That is what inspired this decorganization! I had a few different wicker baskets from Target [here and here] in the same wood tone and started organizing all of my bathroom essentials in them. The baskets act as great storage and allow for easy access to the items. They also add warmth and texture to an otherwise neglected, boring space.

I usually keep extras of things on hand that I didn't necessarily want on display but still wanted to be able to easily access. I used a grey woven storage box from Ikea for these items...extra toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, "out of season" nail polish, etc. I then used two [2] different sized glass jars from Ikea [here and here] that are typically meant for food storage, but I decided to use them for cotton balls and Q-tips. As another layer of warmth and texture, I added a stack of towels which also add a slight pop of color to the neutral space. I also make sure to have my bathrobe in a prime location to grab first thing in the morning or after my shower.

Once all of the boxes and towels were placed, I finished the space off with some greenery. In my opinion, plants and flowers help to make any space - a living room or bathroom storage area - feel more cozy and like a home. And no, they are not real...I do not have a green thumb so fake plants it is for me!

This may not be the most detailed or intense home decor post, but sometimes the basics are most needed! These tips and tricks for decorganization can be used in any space throughout your home...hallway closet, shelving units, kitchen...the possibilities are endless!