Posts in life
10 Ways to Successfully Work From Home

To many people, working from home sounds like the greatest thing since sliced bread. While it certainly has its perks, it can become challenging to stay focused and productive outside of an office environment. With that, here are my top 10 ways to successfully work from home that keep you productive, efficient and on schedule.

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The Single Girl's Guide to Pampering Yourself for Valentine's Day

In the world of social media, Valentine’s Day can make you feel overly loved and like a princess...or like shit that you’re single. But when it comes down to it, Valentine’s Day is just like any other day on the calendar and whether you are in a relationship, single or somewhere in between, know that on Valentine’s Day [a day represented by an angel baby in a diaper shooting arrows] that you are enough and you are loved. So this year I’m taking a new approach to this cheesy holiday to make it one for the books. This year it is all about pampering yourself. So keep on reading to see my single girl’s guide to Valentine’s Day with more than 10 ways to pamper yourself!

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6 Tips for Making Better Use of Your Time

Time…something we all get the same amount of each day [yes, even Beyonce], but something we always wish we had more of. I don’t know about you but I continually check my watch throughout the day to see what time it is. I like to know where I stand schedule wise [hello doctor and specialist appointments never being on time] and to me a watch is a unique accessory and piece of art, like this wood one from JORD Watches.

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6 Ways to Get Comfortable Not Caring What Others Think

Last week I shared a post on how to live a more joyous life and one of the things I talked about was not caring what others think. Now, this certainly sounds much easier said than done [I’ve been there! Let’s be honest - I’m still a work in progress.] but getting to a point where you are comfortable truly will make all of the difference in your life. I think it is important to mention that this doesn’t mean we stop caring altogether about anything and everything, but it is about being selective in the things we do care about and focus our attention to.

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How To: Live a More Joyous Life

One of my words for 2019 was joy and my mission this year is to truly and wholeheartedly live a more joyous life. We aren’t always guaranteed tomorrow so making the best of each day is key. In an effort to make this a more joy-filled year, I’ve come up with more than 10 ways to live a more joyous life. It’s about finding happy moments in all seasons of life because being down in the dumps [or a grouch] does nothing for your productivity or self-esteem! Plus, who doesn’t want to just live a more positive life?! If you find yourself struggling during difficult or stressful times in life, this list is for you!

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6 Ways to Improve Your Monday - and Your Week Ahead

In an effort to make this year the best year yet, I’m challenging myself [and you!] to make Mondays as equally awesome as Fridays. Because why does Friday deserve allllll the attention after all?! We’ve all been there when Sunday night rolls around and the “UGH” feelings set in knowing that tomorrow is Monday and realizing all the things you have going on that week, or things you need to get done, or even things you didn’t do over the weekend. I’ve put together my top 6 ways to improve your Monday [and week ahead] so you can stay on track and focus on the important things.

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How I'm Staying Organized in 2019

If there is one thing I’ve always loved and cannot get enough of it is planners and notebooks and office supplies. Even with the rise of technology, I still resort back to physically writing things down a vast majority of the time. There is just something so rewarding when you physically cross something off your to do list. Organization is going to be key for me this year so I’ve rounded up the different ways in which I’m doing so plus some of my favorite items I’m using to do so. No shame in my organization game!

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Top 10 Blog Posts of 2018

This year was not the most consistent for me on the blogging/IG front but I’m proud that I took the breaks I needed for myself and to focus on my health. Moving ahead to 2019, I want to be more open and continue to share my story with you even through those difficult times. Because when it comes down to it…we are all just wandering through life! With the year winding down, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at my top 10 blog posts from 2018.

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