Posts in organization
How To Detox Your Life in the New Year: Schedule & Routine

It’s the last post in the detoxing your life in the New Year mini series and today we’re diving into your schedule and routine. These two things are basically our life and over time we can either overflow them or leave them high and dry. Being such a prominent part in our daily lives, I think it is crucial to take that step back and really analyze everything involved in your schedule and daily routine from almost an outside perspective to make you the most productive, joyful and sane!

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How To Detox Your Life in the New Year: Home

The 4th week of our mini series on detoxing your life in the New Year has arrived and today we’re looking at detoxing every and all aspects of your home. It can certainly be overwhelming with so many areas to focus on and this sense of not really knowing where to start or what exactly to do. Well, that’s where I come in! I have a fool-proof method I use all of the time that works like a charm. It breaks down the organizing, cleaning and detoxing into digestible pieces so you don’t get overwhelmed and stay focused on the task at hand.

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How To Successfully Work from a Coffee Shop

If there is one thing I’ve come to love more and more over the past couple of years it’s working from a coffee shop. There is just something about the change of scenery, the social energy, enjoying a fresh cup of your favorite coffee, and the opportunity to meet new people that I truly enjoy. I’ve previously shared tips on how to successfully work from home and thought it would be a fun spin-off and extension, especially in today’s work age, to share tips & tricks from my own experience to help you successfully work from a coffee shop.

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How To Detox Your Life in the New Year: Tech

There’s something special about the start of a new year. It’s a blank slate, a fresh start, and the motivation is flowing like lattes at Starbucks. If you’re like me, this sense of it being a blank slate brings about feelings of organization and de-cluttering galore. With that said, I thought it would be fun to do a 5-post mini series on how to detox various aspects of your life at the start of the year! The first area we’re going to dive into is detoxing all things tech in your life. From your laptop to your cell phone, photos and Word Docs, I have some great tips & tricks for helping you de-clutter and organize all things tech in your life.

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How I'm Staying Organized in 2020

If there is one thing I’ve always loved and cannot get enough of it is planners and notebooks and office supplies. Don’t get me wrong, as much as I love physically writing things down, the ease of technology is also a huge organization life saver. From Google Calendar and Google Docs, to Planoly and beyond, incorporating tech and automation in 2020 is going to be a priority. Last January I shared how I was staying organized in 2019 and it was one of the most popular posts y’all read! Pair that with my love for organization and I knew a 2020 post on organization for the year had to be done.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Monday - and Your Week Ahead

In an effort to make this year the best year yet, I’m challenging myself [and you!] to make Mondays as equally awesome as Fridays. Because why does Friday deserve allllll the attention after all?! We’ve all been there when Sunday night rolls around and the “UGH” feelings set in knowing that tomorrow is Monday and realizing all the things you have going on that week, or things you need to get done, or even things you didn’t do over the weekend. I’ve put together my top 6 ways to improve your Monday [and week ahead] so you can stay on track and focus on the important things.

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How I'm Staying Organized in 2019

If there is one thing I’ve always loved and cannot get enough of it is planners and notebooks and office supplies. Even with the rise of technology, I still resort back to physically writing things down a vast majority of the time. There is just something so rewarding when you physically cross something off your to do list. Organization is going to be key for me this year so I’ve rounded up the different ways in which I’m doing so plus some of my favorite items I’m using to do so. No shame in my organization game!

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