Posts tagged save money
3 Steps to Easily Improve Your Savings Strategy

Another installment of Money Monday is here and today we’re diving into one of my favorite financial topics…savings! I don’t know about you but I have some major life goals and the reality of it is that without a substantial savings strategy in place, those goals truly will not be attainable. As growing my savings substantially becomes more and more of a priority, I’ve really dived into ways that help make the process not only more meaningful, but successful. This 3-step process is easy for anyone to implement no matter their financial situation or what their goals are.

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5 Money Saving Challenges to Try in the New Year

Money Monday is back my friends! Y’all loved this series last fall and it took a bit of a back seat during the winter holiday season and I am beyond excited to be starting it back up. Money and personal finances are one of those extremely important life things that unfortunately becomes this taboo topic nobody talks about. I’m here to break down that barrier and make it an accessible topic to help you feel comfortable and be successful with your finances. With it being the start of a new year and a new decade, I wanted to kick off Money Monday with some fun ways you can challenge yourself to save money all year long. Because who doesn’t love a good challenge AND saving money?!

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Evaluating Your Monthly Budget: 5 Things to Cut to Save Money

Last week in our Money Monday series opener, we talked about the basics of starting a monthly budget. One of the points discussed was evaluating your budget to figure out where you stand from an income and expenses standpoint. So lets dive into this in a little bit more detail and figure out the most efficient ways for you to evaluate your monthly budget, with 5 things you can cut to save money.

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