Posts tagged savings
Evaluating Your Monthly Budget: 5 Things to Cut to Save Money

Last week in our Money Monday series opener, we talked about the basics of starting a monthly budget. One of the points discussed was evaluating your budget to figure out where you stand from an income and expenses standpoint. So lets dive into this in a little bit more detail and figure out the most efficient ways for you to evaluate your monthly budget, with 5 things you can cut to save money.

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The Basics of Starting a Monthly Budget

Money and finances can be a bit of a taboo conversation topic, but I’m here to break down those barriers with a new weekly series, Money Mondays. From the basics of budgeting, to starting a savings, to paying off loans, to buying a car, to the value of a dollar and beyond, I’ll be sharing tips and tricks from my own personal experience to help you improve your finances in an easy, realistic way. So as the first post in this Money Mondays series, we’re starting with the very basics of starting a monthly budget.

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