My Vision for 2020: The Year of Purpose

My Vision for 2020: The Year of Purpose -- The Life She Wanders

2020 has arrived and I am feeling more than ready to attack it with an open mind, clear eyes and a full heart! Last year was the year of growth and it was nothing short of that. I learned more than I could have ever imagined and the takeaways from 2019 were purposeful, impactful and incredibly rewarding.

As we enter into a new year and decade, I’m truly excited to see what this crazy thing called life has in store for me. It’s a blank slate with endless opportunities and an abundance of memories waiting to be made. I sense continued growth, changes, and development in all aspects of life. Change can be scary but I’m intrigued to begin so many new chapters.

As I sat down to figure out my vision for 2020, a few things kept popping in my head…

  • Continuing to break out of my shell was top of mind. I made a lot of progress last year and want to continue that momentum moving forward. It has been so insanely liberating!

  • Growing relationships with friends and family, and fostering a deeper connection is another thing that I truly want to put much more effort into. Life can get hectic and crazy sometimes, and pre-therapy me would just hide and keep everything to myself instead of consoling in others. As I began breaking down walls the end of 2019, I realized how wonderful it is to have people so close to me that are always there no matter what. It’s time to not be so timid and afraid, and time to be a better friend.

  • Recurring themes of having intent with each action and decision were very prominent, too. Sometimes we can get stuck in mundane routines or just go through the motions of the day without having any depth behind it. We all have those days, don’t get me wrong, but something about having more zest in the mundane kept popping up.


As I said before, I sense [and know] that 2020 is going to bring about a lot of wonderful opportunities, changes and experiences. It’s an incredible feeling and I’m so freaking ready for it! Like, PUMPED AF for life! There’s also some fear which is completely normal with major life changes but it’s about channeling that fear into drive and motivation.

Putting all of these thoughts and recurring themes together, one word comes to mind about what 2020 is going to be about: purpose. So what does this mean for me? Having a reason for why things are done, created or executed. Being purposeful with personal development and growth, tuning into all those little thoughts and feelings to gain a greater understanding. Doing things wholeheartedly and not just because. Being present among all.

There are a few quotes and wise words that I will be reverting back to and repeating throughout 2020 that tie into making it the year of purpose. Here they are…

  • I have unconditional self-confidence regardless of external circumstances.

  • All that we can do is take the next right step.

  • The steps you take don’t need to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction.

  • Proverbs 31:25 - She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

There you have it my friends, my vision for 2020! Excited to focus this year on being purposeful in everything and anything. What is your vision or intention for 2020? Share below in the comments!